Local police remove a poster showing former communist radical Cesare Battisti (C) in the pillory next to an image of Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede (R), from the shutters of a newspaper kiosk a few steps away from the Ministry of Justice in Rome on January 17, 2019.  The jailing this week of Cesare Battisti, a key figure in the violent turmoil in Italy of the 1970s, has brought back memories of a time when leftist killings raged across Europe and beyond. Battisti, 64, finally returned to jail in Italy on January 14, 2019 after nearly four decades on the run following his escape from prison in 1981. The poster is signed by the 'Collettivo antagonista Militant' asking for 'amnesty and freedom for the 70s' and is a reworking of a late nineteenth century painting.  / AFP / Alberto PIZZOLI

Durante l’Inquisizione spagnola si tenevano delle solenni cerimonie pubbliche nel corso delle quali si dava lettura delle sentenze di condanna e si celebravano le abiure. Vi partecipavano i giudici, i funzionari, gli ordini religiosi, i rei e il pubblico radunato in una piazza dove era stato eretto un palco....

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